Heidi Iliff!
Today is the end of our Christmas gift challenge for Evangeline. Good thing Polly has a great pincer grasp. She had no problem pulling out one folded up name out of over a hundred in a bowl.
Congratulations to Heidi, her husband Jeff and their four children. The Iliffs are great friends from our church in St. Joseph, Michigan and I'm excited Polly picked their family's name. I will be sending them a Visa gift card for $100 this afternoon.
And thanks to everyone who contributed to Evangeline's Christmas fund. We raised a total amount of $1,611.75 (combined on-line and mailed-in donations).
What a blessing! We are so much closer to getting Evie home with this money.
Stay tuned! I'm sure after all the holidays we will conjure up a new fun way to donate to our adoption.
For now, if you'd like to contribute, our page at Reece's Rainbow is still up and ready to go here .