Monday, December 29, 2008

Our last home study visit!

Tomorrow morning at 9am our social worker is coming to the house for the last home study visit.

I posted on our family blog Pocket Lint about all the baby-proofing we've done and today I am organizing and straightening up for tomorrow.

Some dear friends from church offered to have the girls over this afternoon so that I could finish everything up.

I think we are ready, just have to practice a fire evacuation plan with the girls tonight and pray they don't say anything utterly embarrassing to the social worker during our visit.

I'm so happy that we are close to being done with this huge part of the piece of getting Evie home.

All prayers are welcome!

Oh and I added the 'follow this blog' gadget on my sidebar. I'd love to have a list of people following Evangeline's journey to look back on so if you are following, sign up :).
